Life.. What is Life? What Life is?

Life is..

Find the best in you..
Look something unique in you, it can make you more confident..
See every opportunity in the future..
Forget every bad things in your past..
Learn about every little thing in this life..
Think how to make your life so useful..
Give all the best you can do.. 
Let everything go like they will go..
Keep everything that can make you comfort..
Share anything you can share with..
Love every people who deserve to get your love..
Believe that you can do everything coz everything is possible..
Thankful about what we get..
Trust in God, in every good behave, sooner or later He will give a good way for you too.. so choose wisely.. :)

Make your life useful as you can, coz every people are precious..
Enjoy your Life coz..
life is beautiful like a rainbow.. :)



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